Electric Vehicle Charging Point (PRVE)
Installation of a semi-rapid Electric Vehicle Charging Point (PRVE) with 2 connectors of up to 22 kW each in alternating current.
Congelats Palamós, through the company Audit Energia, SL, has recently installed a Point of Electric Vehicle semi-fast charging (PRVE) with 2 connectors of up to 22 kW each in alternating current, thus making a total power of 44 kW with the aim of continuing to advance in the field of electric mobility economically, safely and sustainably. This facility is located in the Congelats facilities Palamós del C/Rutlla Alta, s/n in Palamós.

Project included in the Incentives Program linked to electric mobility (MOVES III) within the framework of the Plan of European Recovery, Transformation and Resilience, financed by the European Fund – Next GenerationEU
The Royal Decree 266/2021, of April 13, which approves the direct granting of aid to the autonomous communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla for the execution of incentive programs linked to electric mobility (MOVES III) within the framework of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resiliencia Europeo, published in the BOE no. 89, of 04/14/2021. This Royal Decree established the bases regulators for the approval of incentive programs for electric mobility: program for the promotion of the acquisition of electric vehicles and program to support the deployment of the charging infrastructure, both within the general framework of the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience.
Congelats Palamós, following these bases, on 17/03/2022 made the request to the MOVES III Plan in Catalonia, and in accordance with the proposed award resolution dated 01/23/2023, has been awarded to frozen Palamós the amount of €1,644.