Renewable energy
Realization of self-consumption installations, with renewable energy sources, in the service sector, with or without storage.
Congelats Palamós, through the company Audit Energia, has recently built a photovoltaic solar installation with the aim of allocating the electricity produced for self-consumption instant, and thus reduce energy and economic expenditure, in addition to contributing to the reduction of greenhouse effect emissions (CO2). This installation, integrated into the deck of the ship, it consists of 193 470wp panels, with two 60 kW and one 40 kW inverters and a total peak power of 90.71 kwp.

Project included in the Incentives Program linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources and the implementation of renewable thermal systems, within the framework of the Recovery Plan, European Transformation and Resilience, financed by the European Fund – Next GenerationEU
Royal Decree 477/2021, of June 29, which approves the direct granting of aid to the autonomous communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla for the execution of various incentive programs linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector, within the framework of the European Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, published in BOE no. 155, of June 30, 2021, established the regulatory bases for the granting of aid from the Program for actions for the implementation of various incentive programs linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources and the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector.
Congelats Palamós, following these bases, on 28/12/2021 made the request to the Program of incentives linked to self-consumption and storage, with sources of renewable energy and implementation of renewable thermal systems and in accordance with the proposed award resolution dated October 14, 2022, the amount of €23,733.5 has been awarded to Congelats Palamós